Payments in Lieu of Action on Climate.
What The People Out of Doors can do
Florida's State Government is betting against reputable insurers and large banks. Mostly with homeowner money, since it won't tax income. Worse, it won't let local governments, even supposedly Home Rule of Charter Counties like Duval-Jax, even hint this is a bad bet. For example, House Bill 433 denied Duval-Jax's right to ensure water breaks for outdoor workers when temperatures soar. Sidebars consider what is really being denied and why. My goal here is to show the remedy requires that we The People's exercise our historic right to instruct our representatives, not just vote YEA or NAY on what they want on ballots. I will
- Explain precedents (Citizens' Initiatives & Homestead Exemptions);
- Offer a 'pumping priming' draft Payments in Lieu of Action on Climate (PLAC);
- Consider its practical and political aspects;
- Argue it tests a 'smart grid' approach to politics that can also
- Retake the high ground of American history.
The means is a novel homestead exemption. It argues government, from Federal down to local levels, has been remiss in dealing with climate change. Cost of inaction, rising catastrophe insurance premia, should fall to government; not homeowners.
It could be the eighth add-on, or simplify things by connecting two existing ones. Details matter since incumbents in our State Legislature have a talent for doublethink laws that pass costs and risks down to Counties or up to the Federal Government. At least at this writing, those levels of government recognize climate change but State denial blocks collaboration on multi-level solutions. Novelty comes from arguing